When the Rains Come

When the Rains Come

I own a construction company, a large screen printing company, and a record label in addition to some other ventures. I am also heavily invested in a tech startup in Florida. This story involves all four of these ventures. 

My record label was recording a song written by my friend, the multi-talented Gabe Kepler. He had written a powerful worship song we were excited to record. The song is called, “When the Rains Come,” and the lyrics are powerful. 


Upon this rock I stand 

Away from the fading sand

I'm safe within your hand


In the rainfall

As the floods come

And the winds blow

Still I'm alive

You are faithful 

Through the ages

I will praise you

All of my life


I will seek first your kingdom

I will give ear to your word

I build my life upon your wisdom

Through the storms I will endure

The recording session went perfectly, and I was excited. Not only was I excited about the song and how the recording turned out, but I was moved by the words to the song. My spirit sang along as I heard it, and I ended the day full of God’s goodness and His Holy Spirit. At least, I thought I ended the day. 

That same week, my construction company was working to replace the roof on the building where all my printing equipment and much of my inventory exists. The weather forecast had shown clear blue skies for three whole weeks, a perfect situation for replacing a roof, and they had begun just the day before, first taking off the old roof, removing the lining and prepping for the new silicon seal. I love a productive week. The song was recorded, the roofing was underway, and all was well. 

Then, late at night, my cell phone rang with a call from Florida, where it was 1:30 AM. My brother in Christ and CEO of the tech venture was having some trouble and was panicking. He wanted to start cutting staff’s pay. Something came over me, and I…laughed. I said, “We’re not going to cut anybody's pay. God is bigger than this.” I had peace, because I know that God called us into this venture. Any trouble is temporary. Where others panic, we can have peace, because our Father in heaven is the One in charge. Later that same night I would be tested again. 

Though the forecast had promised three weeks of clear skies, my dad, who works with me, called later that night. He was at our warehouse, and there was a storm. The rain was beginning to pour into the warehouse, onto the inventory, and all over our expensive machinery. My dad was frantically trying to shut down all the power before someone (likely him) was electrocuted. “You need to come here ASAP!”

What do you supposed was going through my head? 

Actually, it was the lyrics to the song we had recorded. “In the rainfall…As the floods come…And the winds blow…Still I'm alive. You are faithful…Through the ages…I will praise you…All of my life…Through the storms I will endure.

I arrived at the shop, and it was like a scene from a disaster movie. I took a video, because I knew no one would believe it. Imagine if my warehouse simply had no roof, and Noah’s flood came. That’s what it looked like. My dad and many of our staff were there frantically trying to put tarps over all the equipment. Seeing that the roof looked as though it may cave in any minute, I ordered everyone out and my dad, the manager, and I stayed there and finished covering the machines and inventory. Even then, we knew this could put us out of business for good. My father and the manager were literally crying. But God gave me joy and peace in the moment. I laughed. I made a joke, “If you guys had cleaned the floor when you were supposed to, we wouldn’t have had to have a flood!” I said, “don’t worry. It is funny.” 

The next day, it was all hands on deck. Everyone was distraught and worried about their jobs if we shut down. Christians have a tendency to give in to emotions and even sympathy can take them out. They get down and lose faith when things feel hard. But is there anything that God cannot do? What are you afraid to trust Him with? Don’t be afraid. 

“Don’t worry. It’s funny. If Satan had to send a flood to stop us, then we know that nothing can actually stop us. Trust God.” I spoke this to them over and over. When we had gotten everything dried out and tried the equipment, we had not lost a single machine. We lost a few boxes of inventory, but other than that, the only thing we were out was a day of labor for the staff. It was a miracle, and everyone knew it. In fact, we were able to use the opportunity to reorganize some of our systems and processes for greater efficiency. All our customers were very understanding, and we really didn’t lose anything at all. I joked about it with everyone, saying the warehouse has never been cleaner! 

One of my clients even came in while this was all going on. He had to pick up his order for shirts. He looked sick as he surveyed the chaos. But guess what? We were able to fill his order! He saw me laughing and heard me encouraging everyone, and he later said, “Sam, that was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen in my life. You faced down the fear of your whole staff, and your team responded.” 

The floods may come. Correction: the floods will come, but we are standing on the rock that is Christ and His sure promises. You do not have to come into agreement with calamity when it comes. Be wise about where you let your mind go, and dwell on the goodness and the promises of God. Speak life and faith into your situations and your team. Trust God, and don’t give up when others do. 

Where do you need reminding of the promises of God? What calamity is God calling you to laugh at, remembering that He is in control? Give it to Him, speak the truth, and laugh with Him. 

In the rainfall

As the floods come

And the winds blow

Still I'm alive


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