The Value of Authenticity

The Value of Authenticity

Why is authenticity important? Furthermore, why is it essential to success in business? What may come to mind when thinking of the business man or woman is the greedy, self-important person getting ahead through ripping people off. And sure, that may be the case sometimes. It’s easy to forget, but the reality is that 

Ill-gotten treasures have no lasting value, but righteousness delivers from death. The Lord does not let the righteous go hungry, but he thwarts the craving of the wicked. (Pr 10:2-3)

There is no just or lasting profit that comes from dishonesty, and inauthenticity is, at heart, dishonesty. In Kingdom business, that is, business done God’s way, God requires authenticity and truthfulness. Linda Basso writes that “Authenticity comes from knowing yourself and creating a business that plays well with all of you” (3 Reasons Why Authenticity is Key to Your Business Success.) But what does this actually look like in practice? What may surprise you is that inauthenticity often comes from perfectionism. 

Give up Perfection

Authenticity requires giving up perfectionism. Being honest about who you are is a good start. Maintaining a balance between your personal life (how you act, what you obligate your time to, how you treat others) and the way you present yourself and your business (who you work with, what goals do you have, how do you manage your business) is a good first step. Part of honesty also includes humility when you do make mistakes. I’m not saying you should flaunt your mistakes, but you shouldn’t hide and lie about them. Humility means being open, honest, and making changes to get back on track. The Psalmist thousands of years ago wrote “though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord upholds his hand” (Ps 37:24). And Proverbs 28:13 says “Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.” 

God doesn’t expect you to be utterly perfect like Jesus, but He expects you to try your best. And when you inevitably fall short, because we’re all human, He expects you to be honest. In 3 Ways To Be More Authentic (And Successful) In Your Business, the author says that “if you're a perfectionist, you're putting undue stress on yourself and setting expectations that no one but you has.” Don’t be overly punishing to yourself. It is important to have some forgiveness not just for your employees or associates, but also with yourself. “Be okay with good enough. Everyone else is.” This is important. 

Pay attention to your mistakes because they will cue you in to understand your weaknesses and how you can work around them. In her article again, Linda Basso writes that “Authenticity in business doesn’t mean you have to bare all – but it does mean you need to be aware of your strengths and play those up. And to know your weaknesses so you can work around them.”

By acknowledging and embracing your weaknesses, you can develop strategies to overcome them and leverage your strengths to achieve success. Being self-aware allows you to make informed decisions and take actions that align with your capabilities, ultimately leading to personal and spiritual growth.

How to Live–And Do Business–Authentically

Talk of being authentic and being self-aware only gets you so far if you don’t apply it. To be truly authentic is most likely fairly scary to put into practice. That’s okay. Surrender the outcome, and follow the way that Jesus has instructed is right. 

What ways do you see yourself being inauthentic? Are you able to tell when you’re straying, or can you accept when you fall short? First you must identify any areas where you’re inconsistent. Be truthful, be honest, and let it trickle down. The butterfly effect is real, and change starts with baby steps. 

Recognizing our own shortcomings can be challenging, but it is critical. It requires self-reflection and a willingness to confront uncomfortable truths about ourselves. This is hard but it begins the journey towards authenticity through making small changes and embracing our vulnerability. Remember, no one is perfect. Be gracious with yourself and others as you work toward this. I guarantee you will see change if you start being authentically yourself and honest. Whether you do or not, God sees your heart and your actions. 2 Timothy 2:18 says to “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.” Make it a priority to be authentic for God and the results will show. 



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