Your Calling to Business is From God

Your Calling to Business is From God

In my book, Jesus Said Go, Start a Business, I talked about my relationship with God, and how when I first turned to Him, I thought the only good and right thing to do was to go into full time ministry. But God got in my way at every step. Finally, when well-known prophetic people started prophesying that I was called to business and what they called, “Kingdom Finance,” I started to listen. 

I had been in business before when I was unsaved and morally unscrupulous. I could only think of business as greedy, dog-eat-dog, and usually run by crooks. I didn’t want to be a crook. I wanted to follow Jesus. 

Eventually, though, I accepted the call and sought to discover if it could be done differently. Could I manage a profitable business and maintain godly character? Could I be ruthlessly honest? Could I wear my faith on the outside and make it known that my businesses belong to Jesus, that it’s Him I’m doing it for? 

The short answer: Yes. All that and more. 

If you feel drawn to entrepreneurship and business, that calling is likely from God, especially if you feel that calling when you know you are in a good spot spiritually. What is it you want to do with your life when you are worshiping? 

My friend was an opera singer, but he had become a follower of Jesus. Most of the time he wanted fame on the opera stage. But whenever he was worshiping or receiving prayer, he had a strong desire to lay that down and become a pastor. He erroneously thought this was because all Christians should give up their day job and become pastors. But eventually, he learned that he felt that way because he was called to be a pastor. He could have just as easily been called to be an opera singer. And wouldn’t the world be completely transformed by an opera singing committed Christian (hey, you never know! It might!)?

But I was the opposite. I wanted to be a pastor, but time in God’s presence would cause me to understand that was not my calling. Business was and is my calling. 

Is it yours? I want to encourage you to explore this. If God is calling you to business, He has a way for you to do it. Go, start a business, and do it God’s way. You have no idea how He will use you to make the world better and bring glory to His Son. 

Go, start a business! 


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